EyeTest(Distant) - Test your eye sight using this simple test !

Posted By: Unknown - 12:08 PM

EyeTest for Distance vision sight

You can take this test with/without glasses.

To take this test correctly, it is necessary to place yourself at a distance from the screen of approximately:

  • 2.21m for a 20" screen,
  • 1.51m for a 17" screen,
  • 1.1m for a 15" screen,
  • 76cm for a 14" screen.

Cover one of your eyes with your palm, without pressing on the eyelid, and read the text below, letter by letter.
Cover the other eye and do the test again.
Test You Eyes

If you read the text as successfully with the right eye as well as with the left eye, you have good central acuity. If you do not manage to read all the letters, either with one eye or with both, Take a look at this online document.

My Method for Shortsithedness, Natural And Quick !


Are you still having problems with your shortsithed vision or blury vision even after trying these steps? Click here to get instant access to the video for sloving all of your eyes problems, and I guarantee you that you will notice the change after watching the video for 10 minutes ! Click Here to Watch The Video, and thank me later :)

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